Song Analysis Of Blue Bossa By Kenny Dorham

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Blue Bossa is a jazz piece by Kenny Dorham. This song has many different types such as, vocal, instrumental, blues, rock, funk, latin, and more. Blue Bossa is in the key of C minor, but is commonly thought to be E flat Major, it major counterpart. It is comprised mainly of 2-5-1 progressions in either a minor or a major key. It is written in 4/4 time and usually has no, or little, swing. It also has small use of dynamics, mezzo piano for the backing in the solos, mezzo forte and forte to emphasise, decrescendos to transition from sections. The main 4 bar phrase used throughout the piece and is a great example of the piece’s relaxed feel. Combined with the substantial use of syncopation in the song, some staccatos, accents, and legatos are

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