Someone In The Past Is Wronged Me Analysis

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As far as an example of where someone in the past has “wronged” me if hard for me because I do not like to air dirty laundry. But since I have to talk about something, I will go with an incident that occurred within a job that I had. I will not name names or the employer. The supervisor that hired me, unexpectedly passed away. The person below the supervisor that would now be in charge was a not so nice person. Part of the requirement of the job was living in the county of which I would be working. I lived less than 2 miles from the county line in which I was to live. The housing market at the time was absolutely horrible. Since I was less than 2 miles from the county line, I went to someone I knew that had more authority than the individual that was not so nice, and asked them if it would be an issue just to stay where I was for the time being until the housing market got better, since I was going to have to sell a house and buy another one. When the not so nice person found out I went over them, they had an internal investigation done on me and I was eventually demoted. There are more details to the story that I have not covered but since we only have so many words to write about this, I am having to leave a …show more content…

I was so angry over what this other person had done. I was so hurt that someone could be this vindictive and get so much satisfaction from hurting someone. I was treated like a common criminal. A character trait can incline us to be dishonest, deceptive, fraudulent, irresponsible or indifferent to or harmful towards others (Williams and Arrigo, 2012). This person had become all of these. This person became revengeful and went to make me out to be the scapegoat. An attorney that worked at the same location told them what they were doing was not ethically wrong and not right and this attorney was almost fired for standing up for what was right. To this day, I have never forgotten what the attorney did for

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