Solitary Confinement In Anton Chekhov's The Bet

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Would you be in solitary confinement 15 years for 2 million dollars or would prefer the death penalty? I would prefer the death penalty. Chekhov on his work The Bet proves how solitary confinement kills u slowly. He proves it by the lawyer making a bet with the banker that we would stay in solitary confinement 15 years for 2 million dollars. Chekhov conveys his message that solitary confinement kills you slowly he dose it by the lawyer agreeing to a bet to stay 15 years in solitary confinement, and the lawyer for the 15 years got to the point that he looked older than he is and he that he doesn't act like a normal human.

Chekhov in his story was proving how solitary confinement is worst that the death penalty, and that solitary confinement …show more content…

Chekhov writes ”Prisoner suffered severely from loneliness and depression”(pg.3). Since the lawyer was in solitary confinement he had to human communication, that made him get depressed and lonely. Solitary confinement has making him suffer mental problems and the banker's opinion about solitary confinement was actually happening. The story says ”At the table a man unlike ordinary people was sitting motionless”(pg.6). The lawyer did not respond to any sound at all. Furthermore, his mental state lost the way he responding to anything because since he was in that room for along time by himself without any odd noise. Also he is just focused on …show more content…

Chekhov proofs his massage that solitary confinement kills u slowly by telling the reader how the lawyer suffered. One main point was how the lawyer looked older than his age. Also the lawyer suffered from mental problems like depression and loneliness. Chekhov on his work “The Bet” tries to show the reader how both the death penalty and solitary confinement are inhumane, and that both kill a prisoner but solitary confinement takes longer to kill the prisoner so it makes him suffer more. He does it to show how today's prison system is making inhumane

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