Solar Cell Experiment

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Solar Cell Experiment


Solar Cells convert light energy to electrical energy, so are


Aim 1: To investigate any relationship present between the distance

between a solar cell and a lamp, and the current output of the solar

cell, at a fixed voltage.

Aim 2: To investigate any relationship present between the power

supplied to a bulb, and the current of a solar panel, at a fixed

distance apart.

When investigating a solar cell, there are several variables we could

investigate. Below, I have analysed all the variables that could be

investigated, and evaluated which one I will investigate. When

considering what variables of the light I could investigate, several

things come to mind.

Variable 1: Light

Light has different colours, and different coloured lights are known

to have different frequencies. This in turn would cause the different

coloured lights to emit different levels of power. We know that this

is the case because when combining the two below formulae, we can see

that energy and frenquency are related.

Wavelength x Frequency= Wave Speed

Planck's Constant x frequency= Energy

The second formula states that frequency is directly proportional to


When rearranging the first formula to display frequency as the subject

of the formula, and then substituting the value for frenquency given

(wave speed/wavelength) into the second formula, we get:

Planck 's constant x wavespeed/wavelength= energy

Using this formula, we can find out what kinds of light give out the

most energy. As all light travels at the same speed (300,000 m/s), we

know that the wavelength of the light will determine how much energy

is given out from the light. The wavelength and frequency are directly

related in light, because both multiplied must give a product of

300,000 m/s.

We can gather by the formula that lights with a smaller wavelength

will give out more energy, because when a smaller number is divided by

the wavespeed and multiplied by the constant, a higher value for the

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