Social Work Core Values

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strengthened my knowledge on the importance of human relationship by showing me how crucial the relationships that we have not only with our clients but with everyone we may encounter is to the social work profession. My work experience at Los Alamos National Labs and the Okay Casino has given me the ability to work effectively under demanding and stressful situations and has shown me the importance in being a flexible, reliable, and dependable hard worker. My previous work experience has also reinforced the values of service and integrity, these values are a must in the working profession. My volunteer experience and the student organizations that I’m apart of have helped me become a motivated self-starter with a strong desire to learn. They …show more content…

My life experiences, accomplishments, and more importantly my hardships have helped me come to the realization of my personal values. Learning about the social work core values was another indicator for me that social work was the right profession for me. The social work core values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence are all values that are very similar if not identical to my own personal values. Many of the social work core values encompass many of my own personal values. For example, the core value of social justice encompasses my personal values of equality and helping the less fortunate. Overall, I believe in making a meaningful contribution to the betterment of society and working to help improve the lives of individuals by helping them overcome challenges such as poverty, abuse, addiction, physical illness, loss, educational problems, disability, and mental illness. I full heartedly believe and recognize the need to help the underprivileged and those without a voice. In order to do this you must believe and represent the social work core values. This is how I know my personal values are compatible with the social work values. We as individuals all have biases, this is one of the greatest things I have learned about myself in my undergrad. …show more content…

When I stop to really think about it I realize how truly remarkable it is that we humans are 99.9% identical in our genetic makeup, it goes to show that even though we each have two eyes, arms, and legs, it's what's inside that really sets us apart. It's the factors such as our religion, sexual orientation, beliefs, and culture that make each of us different. The inside is where the soul is and that's what makes each of us beautifully unique. Since I was a young boy I’ve experienced diverse and unique people. Some of those people have grown to be my very close friends. I met one of my closest friends and current roommate in elementary. I met Marcus Lopez in 5th grade. Marcus is a Native American from Nambe Pueblo. Marcus introduced me to his beautiful culture and religion. I’ve had the privilege of attending many of the feast days of Nambe pueblo. Marcus is one of many diverse friends that I’ve had the opportunity of meeting and who has opened my eyes to see how truly beautiful cultures other than my own really are. I have also experienced diversity inside my own family through the way my family shares their love. I have cousins and friends that are gay. My opinion on sexual orientation and anything for that matter is simple, if it makes you happy I’m happy. When it comes to right and wrong how can you make up a measurement when it comes to love. I feel that a

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