Social Theories Of The American Dream

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America has gone through many social, economic, and political changes throughout the years. One of the theories I will speak about, will thoroughly explain how the American Dream has shifted, from allowing people to have many opportunities to making it more difficult for people to achieve these dreams. Social class divides people apart from one another based on their status and income. This provides lots of inequality among people of different race and cultures. The second theory I am focusing on is based on the way social classes impact who children become in the future. The division of social classes divides the working class and middle class children based on the neighborhood, school, and families they come from. Based on my personal experience, I realized that social class plays an important role …show more content…

They organized activities which were established and controlled by mothers and fathers who control the lives of middle class children. Middle class children learn to question adults and address them as equals. These children have institutional advantages and learn skills that can be valuable to them when they enter the work world in the future. Middle class parents don’t exclude any opportunity that may contribute to advancement. The more talking a child does, the larger vocabulary they use and the more comfortable they become speaking to authority figures. For example, young boys learn how to shake hands and look at people in the eyes. Middle class children are open to sharing information and asking for attention. Parents encourage children to speak to the doctor when they go for check-ups. The children learned how to explain what they felt to the doctors because that is what the parents have taught them. The children make rules work in their favor because this is how they got what they wanted. The middle class children are vividly verbal hence they explain themselves

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