Social Reproduction

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Social reproduction is was a term coined by Karl Marx and offers broad ideas of reproduction. According to sociologist Christopher Doob it refers to “the emphasis on the structures and activities that transmit social inequality from one generation to the next”. It also refers to the The physical and emotional (caring) labour involved in the everyday and intergenerational maintenance of life itself. The concept changes significantly under neoliberalism, by increasingly privatizing responsibilities. Social reproduction is a feminist issue as issues like the domestic division of labour. The domestic division of labour places greater value on public work outside of the home where the men are the breadwinners and completely disregards the women's …show more content…

In relation tot he topic of social reproduction it offers insight into the role reversal of both men and women. It is illustarteated in an article by Eleni Bourantani where the author discuss the role reversal of couples. In case study the man is the given care taker of the family while the wife works. The couple is constantly changing roles as to who the bread winner is however, it is interesting to find that when the husband is the stay at home dad he feels undervalued and under appreciated by his wife. In the article he states “Clearly it doesn’t work with us when we have those delineated roles so clear. One of us is really happy and the other is utterly miserable. Maybe that’s why we haven’t done more of those absolute black and white roles”(Bourantani,2017). This example showcases that queering in the concept of social reproduction is a feminist issue as it destigmatizes the very structures that promote inequality. This example showcases that those traditional roles made by a patriarchal society do not reflect current times It becomes a feminist issue as both men and women feel neglected in these traditional roles. This isimrtant because what if the man does choose to be a stay at home parent. It does not and should not take away from this idea of “masculinity”. This is vital in the discussion of social …show more content…

This is due to association of gender with traditional roles. For example, In a conversation with the doctor a man is asked abut his family life he states “Does she go to bed after supper?’‘No, I do. She has things to do around the house until about nine o’clock.’‘But of course you say your wife doesn’t work?’‘Of course she doesn’t work. I told you,she stays at home.’”(International Labour Organisation 1977). In this conversation there is a complete disconnect for the man as he is oblivious to the fact his wife has worked just as many hours as him but he does not consider it work. This is important in terms of domestic division of labour as is places value on those who do not work at home.It also reinforces the idea that working outside of the home is a secondary activity. It should also be noted that the argument made by feminist it not to place a monetary amount on the work of household chores but to make the work appreciated and

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