Social Psychology Vs Social Psychology

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Social psychology plays a vital role in our society, often relying on social influence when it comes to making decisions, even if we do not admit it. Circumstances, experience, interpretation, and many other factors are taken into account in seconds by our brains when making a decision or analyzing a situation. Many would argue that our dislikes and likes are a result of our own decisions/personality, while others argue they are a result of social influence.
The debates are endless between Personality Psychology and Social Psychology, but they do have similarities; study of social behavior, self­report, etc. Social Psychology is defined as "the study of the manner in which the personality, attitudes, motivations, and behavior of the
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Research has shown that ingroup favoritism (the guards) is often linked to outgroup (prisoners) hate and hostility (Gaunt, R., Jacques-Philippe, L., & Denis, S., 2004). In Zimbardo 's Stanford Prison experiment, we can see this more clearly. The Stanford Prison Experiment consisted of students who were assigned to the roles of either prisoners or guards for a period of six days (Haney, C., Banks, W. C., & Zimbardo, P. G., 1973). This study alone, demonstrates the power of authority, conformity, moral justification, and various other phenomenons seen in Abu Ghraib. In the Stanford Prison Experiments, both prisoners and guards, conformed to their roles and as such guards began to dehumanize the prisoners, a theory attributed to the dehumanization is the sunglasses the guards wore; the sunglasses were believed to have protected the identity of the guards, resulting in abuse towards prisoners. Another factor that attributed the dehumanization and abuse towards the outgroup, is guards called prisoners by their numbers versus their names, assisting in the outgroup and dehumanization process (Haney, C., Banks, W. C., & Zimbardo, P. G.,

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