Social Problems In Loseke

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The general idea that Loseke is trying to get across with this article is how the social problem of mothers having babies while on drugs perpetuates inequality. It paints black mothers to be the neglectful parents lacking responsibility over themselves in addition to a child. The children in these social problems play the role of the victim. As mentioned in Chapter 8 of Loseke’s Thinking About Social Problems, objectively, poor people are usually the victims of social problems. In addition to racial inequality, Loseke also mentions how social class inequality is a consequence of this social problem. These children are born into a life of being poor and living on welfare, it is simply a reproduction of poverty. It also plays into how it may make the audience fearful of “crack babies” and the imagery painted around them and the medical conditions they have presumably occurred. The term “crack babies” was also examined in this article which helps us to categorize these conditions.

The article that I decided to choose was “crack babies and the politics of mothering” and I believe ...

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