Social Medi The Fellowship Of The Minds

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Social media has been growing at an explosive rate over the last decade. Within just the last five years, social media has gained more than 1.3 billion users, which is an 88% rise since 2012 (Kemp). According to Merriam-Webster, social media is defined as forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (Social Media), the most popular including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Snapchat. Social media has allowed for news distribution, traffic message delivery, increased teen awareness, increased marketing exposure, and global natural disaster relief support (Agrawal). However, with all things good, there is always some bad, such as a decrease in physical socialization, lack of actual productivity, higher expectations of how things should be, loss of privacy (Benson), and the worst off all, manipulation of the masses. How does social media lead to manipulating the masses? Through fake news. At its core, fake news are news stories that are …show more content…

Eowyn. The Fellowship of the Minds website consists of Conservatives that are “deeply concerned about the sorry state of our country and the ruinous path our government, political, and cultural elites have taken. We will sift through the daily news and post the important ones you need to know” (About). The article was posted on March 30th, 2018, and showed multiple emails from the Metro PD supposedly confirming that the permit had been submitted months before the shooting (Eowyn, Dr.). Shortly after they also uploaded it to their Facebook page. After looking through the post’s information, it was found that from their website, more than twenty friends had reposted the article. Those friends had friends that reposted the article from their page and so on. Every single post had radical comments, causing arguments between

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