Social Engineering Breach

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I believe that this breach was the result of a social engineering attack on our company. This is a very popular kind of attack where an employee is tricked into compromising or giving up valuable company information. In our case I believe that the hacker may have called the complaint department earlier in the day with an issue that needed a supervisor’s assistance. At that time he spoke to the supervisor and got his name. He might have then waited until shifts changed to call back and ask for the supervisor by name. The likely scenario is that the hacker called and posed as our company’s attorney saying; “Hello, I am the company’s attorney and I am defending your company in a multi-million dollars case that is about to start in two minutes. …show more content…

The ones who are lagging will be given customized training based on their weaknesses. Also the program on a hold will be evaluated and modified if needs be (Tipton & Krause, 2007).
C. What techniques you should use to test for social engineering vulnerability.
We will base our testing for social engineering vulnerability on the inoculation training framework. Our goal will be to determine how familiar everyone are with all the different types of social engineering threats that they might face. These tests will be structured to address the roll of each associate in our company. The theory is based on the fact that if our employees are constantly facing these attacks, they will eventually become immune to them. So, using the inoculation theory as our testing framework will reap great rewards (Tipton & Krause, 2007).
Vulnerability testing will be done periodically by doing unannounced social engineering penetration testing. This will be conducted by an external company to make it more realistic. They will try to use various social engineering tricks to gather personal and company information from …show more content…

Social engineering testing will be done on all employees who are in contact with our customers. So, this mean our supervisors and call center customer service associates. Since these are the entry points for social engineering attacks, we must train them to cope with these deceptive and dangerous individuals.
What questions you would ask.
Hello, I work in the information security department and I just got an alert that hackers are in our computers. Unfortunately I’m not in the office now so I need your help quickly before they put us out of business. This could cost us millions is it’s not taken care of immediately. Can I login as you and stop them quickly? It will only take a few minutes plus you’ll be saving the company million and may even save our jobs. I just need a few details from you.
What is your name?
What is your username and

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