Social Conformity In The Death Of Ivan Ilyich

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Have you ever wondered how social conformity can affect someone’s life? Social conformity is an influence in which somebody will change their beliefs or lifestyle to fit in with a certain group. In The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Ivan lived a life which conformed to the social norms instead of living a life in which he enjoyed. Ivan who is the main character in the novella becomes very sick and soon realizes that his whole life has been miserable because of social conformity. In this essay I will be discussing three times where Ivan puts himself into unhealthy situations, because of social conformity. Now you may think that when somebody marries another person it is out of love, but in Ivan’s case this was far from the truth. Fairly early on into …show more content…

A friendship can be something that helps you through good or bad times. In Ivan’s case this is untrue, because he puts himself around people who are not loyal, because of social conformity. He would put himself around people who were more happy about their promotions than they were sad about Ivan’s illness. We can see that in chapter one this is most definitely true, “Ivan Ilych had been a colleague of the gentlemen present and was liked by them all. He had been ill for some weeks with an illness said to be incurable. His post had been kept open for him, but there had been conjectures that in case of his death Alexeev might receive his appointment, and that either Vinnikov or Shtabel would succeed Alexeev. So on receiving the news of Ivan Ilych's death the first thought of each of the gentlemen in that private room was of the changes and promotions it might occasion among themselves or their acquaintances.” As you can see Ivan had made friends with people who were unkind, disrespectful and most of all unloyal. This is because Ivan would rather put himself around people who were approved by his social circle than people who really cared. Ivan would not only put himself around people who were approved by his social circle but he would also dress to be approved by his social …show more content…

If you are dressing to impress somebody or dressing to be approved by somebody then this could be unhealthy. In Ivan’s case he would dress to be approved by his social class, instead of dressing in something that defines him or something that he likes. In chapter two of the novella we can see this, “Having graduated from the School of Law and qualified for the tenth rank of the civil service, and having received money from his father for his equipment, Ivan Ilych ordered himself clothes at Scharmer's, the fashionable tailor, hung a medallion inscribed respice finem on his watch-chain, took leave of his professor and the prince who was patron of the school, had a farewell dinner with his comrades at Donon's first-class restaurant, and with his new and fashionable portmanteau, linen, clothes, shaving and other toilet appliances, and a travelling rug, all purchased at the best shops, he set off for one of the provinces where through his father's influence, he had been attached to the governor as an official for special service.” As you can see he was more worried about being idealized by his social class than he was about his happiness, he was willing to sacrifice his happiness just to impress his social

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