Social Class In America

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Social class, what is it exactly? Most of us think it's the amount of money we have in the bank, and in a way it does help people get higher in society. But as you get deeper into the subject it comes/consists of many other aspects such as where you live, what you do for a living, and in some cases what material goods (clothing, housing, and cars) you have. Whatever the definition may be, one thing is certain, it varies from place to place & what may be a luxury in one may not be in another. For instance, I can recall while growing up & until now getting struck with the social difference between my life here in the U.S. and what it was like when I went to visit relatives in Mexico. While on the road to my parents’ hometown I witnessed what kids and adults did to get …show more content…

A 16-20 hours’ drive was ahead of us in an era where we had no cell phones, IPad, yet alone GPS in case we got lost. My entertainment was reading Goosebumps books, looking out the window, or just as simple as people watching. We encountered many different types of people when we stopped to get gasoline, use the bathroom, or just to get a quick bite. I vividly remember this occasion when a kid with dirty clothes, crutches, and a missing leg approached us asking for any spare change we could give him. That time I had taken my dog with us on the trip, and unfortunately we didn't have any money we could give him. While this was happening my dog ran out of the car, and I tried to lure Max back in with a treat. As I finally got a hold of my pet, I turned, and got a glimpse at this boy less fortunate than me, and he said "I bet that dog gets better treatment than I do." His appearance and what he said really got me thinking that there is people out there that have it worse than me; I'm over here crying about not getting a Game Boy while there is people out there that can barely feed

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