Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

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Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety Disorders is defined as a "marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or possible scrutiny by others (Cuncic)." People who do not believe in this disorder think that it’s "just shyness" that is being pathologized (Cuncic). Just because you may be a little shy or a bit nervous on occasion doesn't mean that you have this condition.

Social Anxiety Disorders are psychological problems that are often undiagnosed because people are too afraid to ask for help. Some experts say this disorder “is a combination of genetics and environment, while others say brain chemistry plays a role ( Suszynski).” Although some people are more prone to anxiety than others, ‘researchers believe that some people have a biological vulnerability, such as an overactive nervous system, that makes them more prone to anxiety”(Ssszynski).” You can inherit this vulnerability the same way you inherit anything else.
Marie Suszynski, Getting to the Roots of Anxiety,
Speaking about Social Anxiety Disorders, Dr. Charles Goodstein, MD, a clinical professor of psychiatry at New York University Langone Medical Center says, “"It's one that is often not detected by patient or doctor. People devise their lives unconsciously and consciously so as to not recognize the presence of the disorder.
Arlin Cuncic, Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) Tips for Understanding What it Means to Have SAD,
Most children are diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disor...

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Dr. Christine Stanley, The Top Ten Myths About Selective Mutism,
Marie Suszynski, Getting to the Roots of Anxiety,
Arlin Cuncic, Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) Tips for Understanding What it Means to Have SAD,
(Social Anxiety Disorder, Mary B. Wimmer, School Refusal: Information For Educators,

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