Soccer Is The Hardest Sport Essay

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soccer is enjoyed by many and is one of the greatest sports. soccer or football is the national sport of many European nations. The goal of the game is to score a goal, which is achieved by kicking or heading the ball into the opposite team's goal. Soccer origin goes all the way back to 2000 years ago. Soccer is believed to trace the history of soccer back to ancient China. During the Han dynasty that people dribbled leather balls by kicking it into a small net. As the sport developed, more rules were implemented. The ball can be in 30 - 40 cm in width, and should be aimed into a small net fastened to long bamboo canes. Variations of this technique in which the player had to use his feet, chest, shoulders, and back but not the hands, were also …show more content…

The sport has cardio, endurance, flexibility and weight-loss benefits. Depending on your goals, you’ll need to get in shape to play soccer, or you can just play soccer to get in shape. The intense action of soccer helps you burn more calories than aerobic workouts, depending on how hard you play the game. Although soccer is a non contact sport, players do run and bump into each other, resulting in sprains, breaks, bumps and bruises. If you play on concrete or carpet, you’ll get skin burns from sliding. A good stretching routine before you play, and thorough stretching after each practice or game, will help you improve your flexibility and possibly decrease injuries. People of various ages and skill levels can participate in soccer, with those of various sizes being able to do equally well. Playing soccer just for fun can be done in backyards, streets or on beaches. All you need is a ball. You can also play soccer competitively by joining a local club, or organized competitions. Some indoor sports centers offer indoor soccer competitions with reduced team sizes. FIFA World cup today draws people from all over the globe. After so many years, the world cup has seen the best and the worst in the history of soccer. The first world cup soccer match started on July 13th, 1930. France defeated Mexico in a game of 4 to 1. A

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