Sneakers And Fashion Culture

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For my research topic I have decided to write about the significance of sneaker and fashion culture on our current society. With the rising popularity of sneakers and fashion in all demographics, I would like to study what are the cause and effects and the prominence of this sub culture. With every day that passes by, there is always a new story about the craze surrounding sneakers and fashion. With this one may ask, why is all the craze about? “If there just a piece of rubber (shoes) and cloth (clothes) that we wear everyday”. This is what I am looking to argue against, the stigma that it's just something we wear and that they hold no meaningful value to us. However, as I would argue, these sub cultures encompass so much more about us that …show more content…

There hasn’t been much research done on the effects of clothing and sneakers. I was able to find two academic sources that encompass the whole idea that sneakers and fashion represent a whole lot more than face value. One source by Dylan Miner, “Provocations on Sneakers: The Multiple Significations of Athletic Shoes, Sport, Race, and Masculinity”, encompasses, is a key example of how sneakers in this case, are able to establish something much more than just stuff we wear on our feet. The second academic source, “Sneakers: Fashion, Gender, and Subculture” by Yuniya Kawamura takes into account the sociological perspective, and how a subculture has been created because of sneakers and fashion. These two academic sources are perfect as it would allow me to enter the conservation by stating these sources in supporting the idea that sneakers and fashion are more than they …show more content…

Some of these sources include the positive and negative side that comes along with the subculture. Whether they are positive or negative, they will allow me to provide a perspective that many people don’t see about sneakers and fashion. Which this it will further enhance the argument that there is more to it than face value. The positive side includes the deeply rooted history that the subculture has on society, the community involved in the sub culture, and the rising businesses and future entrepreneurs as a result. For the negative side, there are sources that talk about the violence and dangers that come with the subculture, while also showing the production issues that go with producing these items. I will use many sources and also many personal experiences in order to emphasize to the general public that those sneakers and clothes you are wearing, could have a much deeper meaning to

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