Small Town Dentist Clinic Case Study

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The Small Town Dentist clinic has been acquired by the large patent organization Distributed Dental Services (DDS). The Small Town Dentist clinic has a flat organization structure with only location where as the DDS has hierarchical structure with multiple departments and locations throughout the place.
Publish your policies for the New Clinic
The new clinic must acquire all the policies from the DDS and continue their journey towards the success. Their strategy should be increasing the customers for the clinic and match with the parent organization.
I recommend the below policies to the New Clinic
1. Employees Evaluation
The employees must be evaluated based on their skills and they need to be assigned with the suitable responsibilities in …show more content…

They must not be disclosed on any situation and privacy should be maintained. (HIPAA Compliance, n.d.)
4. Attire
Any organization dress code is very important along with it the communication of the employees is key for the organization. The attire reflects the uniqueness among the employees. The dress code policy helps to identify the staff of the organization. (Hospital Strict Dress Code, 2011)
5. Social Media/Public Speaking
The employees of the organization must be careful while posting the information on the webpages regarding the organization/patients because when they are representing some organization whatever they speak it reflects the whole organization.

Involve Human Resources and Executive Management
The recommended policies must be sent to the management whether they are meeting the requirements of the organization or not. If they are not meeting the requirements they need to be modified.
Likewise, the Human Resources department also checks the policies whether it suits for the employees or not. Because all the policies must be transferred to the new employees. Regarding Pay scale also the pay roll department of the HR department takes …show more content…

Eg: If an employee does not understand the HIPPA policy and discloses the health records of the public then the organization and employees are liable.
Incorporate Policy Awareness Training for new clinic
There should be a policy awareness training for all the employees in the new clinic. The awareness/ training helps the employees to understand and follow the new policies in the organization.
To make the training successful/engaging there should be complete participation from all the employees and management in the organization.
To make it fun and more interactive instead of general meetings there should be a group of people showing the policies and how they need to be followed in an organization
Eg: Catch ball process- Instead of explaining it orally, if a group of people shows how the idea exchange process takes place in the organization by throwing the ball from one employee to other asking for their view. This will be both fun, interactive and the process will reach to all in the organization.
Release a monthly organization-wide newsletter for

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