Slow Down For Manatees Chapter Summary

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As a child, my favorite types of books to read or have read to me was books about animals. I was always fascinated by animals and learning about the mannerisms of animals and how they compared and differed from us humans. I wholeheartedly believe that animals are essential to not only the well-being of the environment, but also critical to the prosperity and happiness to humans ourselves. This being said it is crucial that the education and study of animal behaviors and tendencies is began at a young age in children, and will only help young children with self-discovery and help by opening up questions about their own existence by learning about living creatures that are separate from their own kind that we co-hebetate this earth with. The book Slow Down for Manatees is dedicated to the knowledge and preservation of manatees, an aquatic animal. The Children’s Book …show more content…

The book only features two characters: the injured manatee and her calf. The lack of knowledge about the animals very well may have been purposely done, in order to simplify the story as much as possible, but in my personal opinion the use of names or more detail about the main characters would only add to the development of the story in a way that would have been beneficial to the author. Children tend to personify random objects by naming them or learning the names of things in the world around them. By adding names to the characters in a children’s book, it helps keep the attention of kids being read to or independently reading, which will help them stay interested and involved in the story. Although the names or more knowledge about the characters is not prevalent, the book is still very interactive. Slow Down for Manatees allows children to use their creative minds and enables them to come up with their own

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