Slaves in Roman and Germanic Societies

575 Words2 Pages

While both Roman society and Germanic society do not view slaves as full people each society does have some safeguards to slaves' wellbeing. Although both societies try to protect their slaves they also illustrated that slaves were not equal to free and even freed slaves were not equal. While both societies have positive aspects to their treatment of slaves I believe it would be better to be a slave in a Germanic society rather than a Roman society. In a Germanic society a slave had a greater ability to marry, slaves also had the ability to pay fines for wrong doing rather than receive physical punishment and in Germanic law codes there was more of a focus on petty crime committed by slaves rather than in Roman codes where there was a focus on brutality committed against slaves or a lack of loyalty to their owner. In Salic law codes free men and women were allowed to marry slaves even though the free person would be fore-fitting their freedom for the marriage (Civilizations 116). Slaves were also able to marry each other with permission from their owner(s) (Civilizations 116). Wh...

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