Slavery: What Does The Bible Teach About Human Trafficking

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Slavery is an issue that has existed since sin was brought into the world. Most think of slavery as merely forcing another person to do hard labor for them, but it is much more than that. Slavery also describes when a person takes another person and sells them to be used as instruments of sexual exploitation, which is known as human trafficking (“What Does the Bible Teach about Human Trafficking?”). For a Christian to properly respond to the issue of human trafficking, they need to know what it is, what God says about it in the Bible, and what they can do to help and fight it. Human trafficking can be described as the act of taking people against their will, threatening them into submission, or coercing them into making a deal, and forcing …show more content…

Technically, the idea of stopping sinful things like human trafficking should be ingrained in a Christians “DNA,” as that is what God calls his people to do (Miles). Firstly, a Christian is instructed to pray for those affected by human trafficking (“What Does the Bible Teach about Human Trafficking?”). When a Christian prays for someone else, God hears that prayer and uses His power to do what needs to be done. Next, Christians should stand as a united front and speak out for the people who are affected by human trafficking. Proverbs 31:8-9 says, “Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy (NKJV).” Christians should also do things to help the people who are affected through human trafficking. Many have started non-profit organizations and others simply support or pray for victims. Lastly, Christians should help support people who are victims to human trafficking (“What Does the Bible Teach about Human Trafficking?”). Most who are freed from the pain that they went through would like to move on in their lives, so they get jobs. If a Christian sees or knows of someone who is a survivor, they should do their best to support those people and give them the best chance that they …show more content…

It contains sixty-six smaller books, and those books are divided into two different parts, called the Old Testament and the New Testament (“Fast Facts about the Bible”). The Old Testament has thirty-nine books, and even those books are divided into sections. The first five books of the Bible make up the Pentateuch, which contains the laws that the early Israelites had to live by. The next group of books are the Historical books, which tell the stories of many different people that Christians look up to. After those come the books of Poetry, and the Major and Minor Prophets. In the New Testament, there are twenty-seven books, which are also made up of different parts. The first four books in the New Testament are different accounts of the Gospel of Jesus, which tells of His life and ministry on Earth. Those are followed by the Church’s history, and Paul’s letters to the churches from that time period. And, the last book of the Bible is a part of its own theme, the prophecy. It depicts the future events of the world, and what will happen during the end

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