Analyzing Race Pride and Political Efficacy

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It seems like black people and others can be proud of their race but white people can’t because it’s racist? I’m proud of my brown skin because this is who I am. I admire my ancestors from the Philippines. If it wasn’t for their hard work and bravery I wouldn’t be been born. There are several issues about races. African American wants more. In that case, As for Obama being presidency, it’s a one step up to get what they want. Secondly, African American can’t forget the slavery era. Many Africans American and Latinos voted for Obama not because he is the perfect candidate. African American voted for Obama mainly he is a black person. African American probably believes that if they put a black president on the white house they can empower the white people this country. Being a president shouldn’t be based on race or gender. It should be about who is the better candidate and who can change the America. …show more content…

This is ridicule. How people think that whites should compensate black people because of slavery, this shows ignorance. Slavery has been around since almost beginning of civilization. Slavery did not begin with white coming to the Africa and steal them. African sold their own people to whites. White people don’t own anything. I see a lot of American who dislike being here in America. That they feel like they are a burden being here, where they want to destroy the country. But, none of them are willing to move out the country. If these people feel like they are not happy being here. They should consider moving back to Africa, Mexico or the Middle East. America might not be the perfect country but, there is no country who is more willing to accept other race more than

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