Sir Lancelot In 'La Morte Darthur'

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La Morte Darthur Journal Just like most old English tales and stories, men are prioritized and given more emphasis than women. Although, men are given most of the attention and importance in “Morte Darthur,” women play a crucial role in the shaping of the story. The whole plot of the tale revolves around Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere’s extramarital affair. However, when the Sir Agravain exposes and catches the couple red-handed, King Arthur is enraged more towards Guinevere, rather than Sir Lancelot. In fact, King Arthur is hesitant to punish Sir Lancelot even though he is also guilty. However, Arthur doesn’t think twice about punishing Guinevere--his own wife--to a death sentence. Not only does this show the relationship between Sir Lancelot

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