Sir Lancelot In King Arthur's Round Table

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Sir Lancelot is the bravest, loyal and gallant which is why he was most chivalrous knight in King Arthur’s Round Table.Lancelot is the son of King Ban of Benwick, and was raised by the Lady of the Lake. Sir Lancelot from the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, he is the most well known character. According to most Arthurian tales, He is considered the most skilled, trusted and chivalrous knight in King Arthur's Court. He is obsessed with King Arthur's wife, Guenevere and puts himself in all things completely at her will. His impulsive infatuation and lust for her brought dishonor to the King and destroyed the fellowship of the Round Table.His love for ladies and continuous victories recognizes a vein of extravagance in his nature which molds to fit the idea of being the perfect knight and the perfect lover. …show more content…

He is besotted in Guinevere's love that he refuses to sleep with any other woman although it is hinted that he is in a physical relationship with the queen which is not so knightly. Elaine of Asolat, the daughter of King Pelles is in love with Sir Lancelot, but he does not return her love. She tricks him into sleeping with her by ending up giving birth to a son Galahad. His devotion for Guinevere's love means he never see's the holy grail although he is a perfect knight he does things out of love for her, not for God. When Guinevere and Lancelot are found together intimately, king decides to burn her alive for the betrayal. Sir Lancelot shows his chivarlic codes by saving Guinevere's life, as mentioned in Le Morte D' Arthur "only to fight in just causes at all times to be merciful, and at all times to put the service of ladies

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