Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Heroism Essay

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In the poem of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight heroism was greatly showed. Sir Gawain was very brave for accepting the challenge. Sir Gawain also kept his word through the whole poem which is a great example of a hero. Sir Gawain was proud to accept the Green knight test against him and his wife which faces his honesty. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight shows Maturity of the hero Sir Gawain, with attention to he was bold to volunteer and take the place of King Arthur and Agree to accept the challenge while, on the other hand he showed great order and honor when he refuses to take the gifts from the lady of the castle, lastly, he faces death when he meets up with the Green Knight.
The Green Knight test Sir Gawain bravery by putting to a test. The test the green Knight put Sir Gawain to was whenever the green knight go out hunting he would bring back whatever he encounters and, an return Sir Gawain would do the same. While the Green Night was out hunting the lady tries to seduce him. Sir Gawain resist her, however, and on the first two days he accepts only kisses. He gives to the lord at the end of each day in exchange for what the lord had gained in the hunt. Sir Gawain kept his word and follow through with his end of the deal. …show more content…

Sir Gawain was the only Knight who accepted the challenge, the others knights wasn’t bold enough, this shows how brave and confident Sir Gawain was. Sir Gawain stood up to the Green Knight while accepting the challenge, which made king Arthur proud. King Arthur couldn’t accept the challenge and his knights were too scared to do so, so Sir Gawain step in and made his point, which was he is a brave noble knight. Sir Gawain did something the other knights couldn’t. This shows how brave Sir Gawain really

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