Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Game Analysis

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The Role of Games
In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the plot is driven forward by the countless number of games played. These games cause curiosity among the reader. In this story there are different types of games that hold contrasting meanings behind each one. These games cause the story to be extremely unpredictable.
The game that practically opens up the story is the “Christmas game”. The green knight appears at Arthur’s event looking for someone to play a “game” with. When Arthur’s court hears the Green Knight offer one blow for another they think it is foolish. They assume that this trade will not be possible considering the Green Knight would become headless before being able to return his blow. They are taken aback when the Green Knight picks up his decapitated head and rides away. Sir Gawain then realizes the graveness of the situation he is now in. In a year and a day Sir Gawain will receive a blow from the Green Knight. …show more content…

When Sir Gawain arrives at the castle he is greeted by a host named Bercilak whose true identity is the Green Knight. Sir Gawain is instructed to trade anything he receives during his three days at the castle for the meat hunted for by the host. One the first day he provides the host with a kiss that he received from the king’s wife. On the second day he provides two kisses that he also got from the king’s wife. However, on the third day he only trades three kisses, given that these were not the only gifts he received. The king’s wife had given Sir Gawain her green girdle that is said to protect whoever is wearing it from

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