Singin In The Rain Parody

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In the movie Singin in the Rain there are many parodies of Hollywood. The film depicts how this ¨glamorous¨ society is filled with conceited and odd people. The first scene shows Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont walking on to the red carpet. Around them, there are screaming fans and cameras flashing. This is how we see the stars of Hollywood. We swoon over them because they are like gods to us. They even ask Don about his journey to stardom, and he lies about the entire thing. He does not want his fans to know that he was some poor boy that luckily made his way to the big screen. This shows how these famous people lie to the public and are not at all what we think they are. There is also a scene that portrays a big Hollywood party. The film makes fun of the extravagants of it and how strange the people who attend it are. They do this by showing there over the top outfits and odd conversations. The whole movie is just one big parody to Hollywood life and the stars living in it. …show more content…

In a play there are no edits or cuts, the actors have to do everything in one take and that's what Singin in the Rain tries to do. It also captures the actors talents because we actually believe that they can do the things they are doing, like dancing and singing, because there are no edits. This is really evident in the songs ¨Make ´Em Laugh¨ and ¨Broadway Melody Ballet¨. These scenes really showed the talent and abilities of the

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