Sine Manu Marriages In The Late Republic

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Due to the increasing popularity of Sine Manu marriages, women’s freedom drastically changed during the late Roman Republic in comparison to earlier periods. Rights that were gained from Sine Manu marriages were originally not accessible to women at all. The contributions women were allowed to make were limited to certain things and even with the advancements they made in the late republic, women’s roles were just not important. In order for us to recognize the shift that came from Sine Manu marriages, we need to understand women’s roles before the late Republic. In the early Republic, women were simply used for the motives of men. When it came to marriage, they were arranged and women were placed into them by force of men, most commonly by …show more content…

Divorce took place on account of agreement between both parties to discontinue the affectio maritalis that originally bound them together, by reason of either adultery or simply because there was no need for the marriage to continue(). Divorce was introduced in many different ways. The husband could either have a messenger tell their wives about it, much like being served divorce papers in today’s terms. Though, this idea did not have much formality and structure when it came to the documentation of the divorce and was not considered to as valid as other forms. It was not until Augustus’ Legislation, that documentation of divorce was required for the annulment of a marriage. Augusts’ legislation clearly dictated that, there were many benefits for people that were married and had children such as exemption from parenthood for the male if the family had three or more children and exemption of freeborn women from guardianship as well (). However, there were a great deal of disadvantages from getting divorced. Not being married or not having children would mean that there would not be much to inherit during this period. No marriage would mean: no money, power, or property. Inheritance of land or of children and relatives, was directly correlated with marriage. Marriage would mean: the possibility of money, custody of children, property, and potentially some the titles that came with the marriage. Along with Augustus’ legislation, Augustus had many rules set in place to punish those who committed adultery. Adultery was very frowned upon not only when committed by women but also men, which is a historical first. This societal disproportionality was exemplified in concubine relationships, which prior to this was encouraged. Augustus even established an island that offenders of adultery were sent to in order to be separated from the general public to discourage adulterers

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