Simone De Beauvoir: What Makes A Woman?

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When a child is born, a gender is given. This child is officially labeled as a male or female based on its anatomy. Simone de Beauvoir once said, “One is not born, but rather becomes a woman”. What does this really mean? Many people believe that if you are born with female anatomy, you are automatically going to grow into a woman. According to de Beauvoir, this is not necessarily true. She uses interesting language, saying only enough to leave you interested in what all she means. With such an intense statement, The lack of clarification seems intentional. The wording leaves the reader to their own interpretation of the meaning. I will show what I make of the quote by relating this quote to the real world and readings such as Herland, Geeks …show more content…

Is it something that takes hard work, a realization, or a role that has to be taken? In America, a sweet 16 is celebrated, signalling that a girl has now transitioned into womanhood. At age 11 in Malaysia, girls are able to celebrate their maturity and participate in Khatam Al Koran. The second Monday in January, 20 year-olds celebrate Seijin-no-Hi. These are all celebrations for coming of age in different cultures. Does de Beauvoir intend to mean that once these people celebrate their coming of age, they become woman? Different cultures have different points of becoming woman. Could this also mean that there are different kinds of woman? Who are Tomboys, and Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth, both address the idea of different kinds of girls. You could be a popular girl, a geeky girl, a girly-girl, or a tomboy. While these talk about girls, does it mean that they can become woman in their own ways, or will they all have to merge into some kind of the same person to become a woman? The Cult of True Womanhood says that, “piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity” (152), makes a true woman. The Cult of True Womanhood agrees with the idea that society makes a woman. It makes a woman once they fall into the four categories. According to Merriam-Webster, a woman is “an adult female person”. Could it really just mean that once you become an adult that you are a woman? This definition says that in

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