Similarities Between V For Vendetta And Animal Farm

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V for Vendetta & Animal Farm
1. V's mission involved violence as a means of enacting change. From the beginning, Evey was against killing. Would it have been possible for the changes to occur without killing? Link to the actions of the rebellion in Animal Farm – would peaceful change have been possible?
Based on the nature of the High Chancellor character, it would not have been possible for peaceful negotiations to have occurred. Based on the fact that the High Chancellor is depicted as to be very stubborn and notorious for getting his way, it is reasonable for V to have therefore resulted to acts of violence in order to make the changes. The destructions that are made by V are not purely for his own personal gain, many of the events that take place are to help the ignorant public come to terms with the facts. He does so by …show more content…

2. Media plays a huge role in V for Vendetta as a form of propaganda and as a method of storytelling. How is media used in the film to keep the status quo? How does Animal Farm address this same issue? Which characters best exemplify this?
In the film the media is used as a means of propaganda as it manipulates the truth in order to ensure that the citizens feel protected and comfortable under their government. For instance, V infiltrates the news stations and sets up a successful live broadcast where he boldly discusses his opinion at the current state of the country. Though every citizen of the country witnesses the occurance, the media immediately tries to cover it up as though V was just a crazy terrorist who wants the worst for the country. They even go to the extent of recording fake footage stating that he had fatally killed by the

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