Similarities Between The Kite Runner And Persepolis

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Thesis: Victors and victims in The Kite Runner and Persepolis represent the effect of a corrupt society.
Definition of corrupt: Having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
Intro: In the books The Kite Runner and Persepolis the victim and the victors are represented through many tragedies and emotions. The reason that the author writes as victims and victors is to show how society’s influence can affect the people’s actions. They show how someone’s past experiences affect their relationship with society and family members. The victors at times gain something in the end but the victims have a fate that is at times horrid. Many victors and victims had to overcome strong emotions that were buried …show more content…

For some of the characters the emotions were from expectations of society or past experience that happened in their lives. On of these emotions that can see in both books are guilt. A victor of guilt in the book Persepolis is Marji. Marji’s guilt is from the luxuries life that she lives. She feels guilty because she drives a Cadillac, has a maid who had doesn’t eat dinner with them, and her grandma’s knees always hurting. Her guilt is not caused by self-infliction but by the innocence that she possesses. She overcomes this guilt by wanting to be a prophet. Baba is a victim of guilt. He feels guilty for betraying his long life friend Ali, by sleeping and having a child with his wife. Baba tried to ease his guilt by giving back to the people that needed most. In the end his guilt won and he died with that …show more content…

An unpleasant emotion caused by belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or threat. Marji and Amir had feared not knowing if they will live another day. “But here I am now, less than fifty feet from them, telling myself that the sudden taste in my mouth wasn’t unadulterated, naked fear. “ (Hosseini, page 247). Amir has been away from the real action that is happening in his country. So when he is up close and personal with the danger of possibly provoking the people in charge and having a probability of dying, he is simply fearful of what would happen. This brings back the fear that he felt when he and his dad were fleeing from the country. Being in a truck surrounded by nothing but darkness. The worst fear was of losing his father. Marji’s fear is not living another day because of all the people dying around her. Fear is a weapon used many times to get people to submit to

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