Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And The Taming Of The Shrew

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Fairy Tales With An Unhappily Ever After
Throughout numerous plays, movies, books, and other forms of media, people are always viewing stories of true love. Whether that be a princess woken up by a true love's kiss, a superhero saving a damsel in distress, or random strangers experiencing love at first sight, audiences dream about a day where they will find their one true love. The sad part: Those are fairy tales, and William Shakespeare was not afraid to shed light on this dark truth. Through two of his most famous plays, Romeo And Juliet and The Taming Of The Shrew, he shows that most of the time, relationships are not perfect. In both plays, Shakespeare focuses on the relationship between two people, but shows the audience that true love …show more content…

In both Romeo And Juliet and The Taming Of The Shrew, the men fell in love with the women because they wanted something in return. The way Romeo fell in love with Juliet was because he wanted to get over Rosaline, a woman he was madly in love with. His friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, thought going to a party and seeing other women would help him, and coincidentally he met Juliet there. Benvolio says to Romeo, “At this same ancient feast of Capulet’s sups the fair Rosaline whom thou so loves, with all the admirèd beauties of Verona. Go thither, and with unattainted eye compare her face with some that I shall show, and I will make thee think thy swan a crow” (Romeo And Juliet, 1.2.84-89). What Benvolio is trying to tell Romeo is that if he goes to this party, the other girls he sees will be so much prettier than Rosaline. There he meets Juliet and falls in love with her, and getting over Rosaline is what he got in return. The same thing also happens in The Taming Of The Shrew. Petruchio is new to town and is looking for a woman to love, when someone approaches him and asks him to try and win over a woman named Katherine. The man is …show more content…

In both Romeo And Juliet and The Taming Of The Shrew, there were people that did not want them to be together. In Romeo And Juliet, Romeo was a Montague and Juliet was a Capulet, two families who have been fighting for centuries. Although nobody knew about them, if someone were to they would probably both be imprisoned, exiled, or killed. Their relationship was not perfect considering most of it was them trying to keep it secret. Also, in The Taming Of The Shrew, there were people who did not want them together. First of all, Katherine does not want to be in the relationship. When finally convinced to marry Petruchio, she says “No shame but mine. I must, forsooth, be forced to give my hand, opposed against my heart, unto a mad-brain rudesby, full of spleen, who wooed in haste and means to wed at leisure” (The Taming Of The Shrew, 3.2.8-11). In this, she is saying that she does not really love him, that she was forced to marry him. Obviously, this makes it flawed because no real compassion is being shown. Also, other people frown upon the idea that Petruchio is with a girl, Katherine, so wild and mean. Shakespeare also shows the imperfections of true love through opposite cases. In Romeo And Juliet, Juliet’s parents want her to marry Paris, a more suitable companion for her, not knowing that she is already married to Romeo. She tries to tell her parents that she will never marry Paris, but

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