Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Some people see Romeo and Juliet as star struck lovers but I differ. I do agree that they were a ‘good couple’ in the beginning of the story but soon after their story makes a turn for the worst and the lovers lives end tragically in one another's arm. Some say it was a tragic ending but they did put themselves in the situation they were in at the end of the story. It does seem like in the very beginning of their relationship they were taking things too fast. To build a healthy relationship I have found that if you take it slow it is much more enjoyable and in Romeo and Juliet's case it would have prolly kept them alive. If they truly loved each other they could have obeyed their parents and waited it out and once they got to the age to support themselves as adult they could continue their relationship if they still had the same feelings for one another. Doing so would not only test their reliability but if there love really lasts like it did in the story. …show more content…

This love story is much different to our generation's ‘love stories’. Now days we marry in our early to late 20’s. In the ‘old days’ children would marry at very young ages do to the fact that many people would not live very long so time was one thing not on there side. This theme of marriage of itself causes a twist in their relationship as teen

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