Similarities Between Roman And Chinese Empires

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Michael Linder
February 19, 2016
The rise and fall of the Roman and Chinese empires are one of the most well know and well documented events in human history. The Roman Empire lasting from 27 BCE – 476 CE, and the Chinese Empire from 202 BCE to 220 CE. Each lasted for roughly 400 years. As more and more information about the two empires is uncovered, there have been a number of striking similarities and differences between the two realms. What especially stands out between the two empires is there system to govern, and their methods of political theologies to govern. Each empire were similar with a well-organized bureaucracy, but they differed in how they functioned and how their governments controlled their land.
The Roman and Chinese Empires …show more content…

The two empires had their difference in societal organization. But, these empires were similar in that they were both ruled by autocratic rule at some point to strengthen the government’s political control. The monarchy of the Chinese empire had a method of political control by cracking down on people who might spark a protest or disagreed with the political system in place, thus preventing a revolution . This method of control reflected the rigid system of beliefs that were popular in China. In the Roman Empire, the republic method of political control kept a perceived balance of power and supposedly stable government, reducing the desire in citizens for protest and therefore keeping the power in the hands of the few . This also represents the societal makeup of Rome as seemingly scholarly and the desire to look as though it cares for its citizens. These two methods of political control were very different but essentially created the stability of the empire. Ultimately, these empires were similar in that the leaders used religious and ideological influence to control the people because people trues ideologies and religions to guide their

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