Similarities Between Oedipus The King And Antigone

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In the plays Oedipus the King and in Antigone, the reader sees two kings rule and how they handle all the issue that come to them. One ruler being Creon who is the leader in Antigone, and Oedipus in Oedipus the King. As they both are two very different people who rule in very different ways it puts one question into the reader’s mind, who is the better ruler? Although they both rule over Thebes, the choices and action they make show that one is a great ruler and one is not. These leaders have some things in common that effect the way they rule. Both Creon and Oedipus both have to much pride in themselves although this is shown in different ways it negatively effects both men. Oedipus’ pride shows when he believes he is greater than the Gods by thinking he can avoid the fate they have set for him. Creon shows his pride not by thinking he is better than the Gods but by disobeying them and defying the Greek customs. This occurs when he forbids the burial of Polyneices, going against Gods, and his customs. Also, both men go trough major tragedies while ruling. Yet in the end even with things in common one of them will come out on top as the better ruler. …show more content…

First off, he does things without thinking of the consequences his actions will cause. He also lets his pride and what he thinks is right override customs. freon is generally a more selfish ruler. This is shown when he decides he can not take back his choice to let Antigone die. This choice ends up killing his wife, son, and niece, his own pride took the lives of his loved ones. Creon believes that he rules Thebes only for himself. He does not learn from past mistakes, and he needs the help of others often. In the end even Creon himself realizes through all the tragedies he has been through that he is not a good

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