Similarities Between Malcolm X And Fantz Fanon

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Already in the 1970s American students, some of whom were activists of the «Panther Party», traveled to Cuba to Castro for cleaning sugar cane and returned home with the book of Carlos Marighella, which was the guidelines for the management of guerrilla warfare in an urban environment. It was popular not only in America, the book became a favorite reading for Italian «Red Brigades», the Irish Republican Army, and for such a group as «Baader - Meinhof». In the 1960s, «Black Panthers» were consumers of multiple sources of revolutionary rhetoric. Basically, they used the texts of two authors - Malcolm X and Frantz Fanon, both of whom were born in the same year. They both prematurely deceased shortly before the activation of «Panthers»: Fanon died of leukemia in 1961, Malcolm was assassinated in 1965. …show more content…

Fanon came to the idea of revolutionary practice mostly because of his interest in negritude ideas, which was introduced to the culture in the 1930s by Parisian poets of African descent. One of them was Aimé Césaire, neighbor and teacher of Fanon. The essence of negritude was in the development of black consciousness and refusal to assimilate into white culture. The term «Negritude» was coined by Aimé Césaire coined. According to Jean-Paul Sartre, Negritude is an anti-racist racism, counterculture, which arose as a reaction to the old theories of racial inferiority. According to Fanon, the oppressor-Eurocentrist convinced that he is the creator of history, the discoverer of new, the bastion of freedom, that their culture is superior to other cultures. Oppressed sees that it is a set of illusions and prejudices, that had grown in

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