Similarities Between Macbeth And Joseph Stalin

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Since humans were able to get a grasp of dominance against one another, there exist the undeniable hunger for power. When a ruthless person is given an unlimited source of power, it is only natural for them to fall into the hand of temptation and abuse their power--these leaders are known as dictators. Through the history of the world, some dictators that were infamous for their inhumane acts toward humanity are Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. However, dictators can be found in not just history but also in literatures such as Shakespeare’s notorious play Macbeth, as well as Geroge Orwell’s novella Animal Farm. Throughout History and English dictators are depicted as being manipulative, as well as greedy, which ultimately generates a notion …show more content…

Throughout Macbeth, the main character Macbeth lived in a constant state of fear that others are trying to be superior to him, and besides the fact that he’s greedy and manipulate people to get what wants--he felt that violence was the answer to his fear as stated when he exclaims,”I did so, and went further, which is now/ Our point of second meeting. Do you find/ Your patience so predominant in your nature/ That you can let this go?/Are you so gospeled/ To pray for this good man and for his issue,/ Whose heavy hand hath bowed you to the grave/ And beggared yours forever?”(III.i.87-93). Macbeth uses his manipulation skill to provokes the violence and hatred inside the murders so that he could eliminate Banquo and his son to secure his thorn of power. Much like Macbeth. Adolf Hitler was notorious for his extreme use of violence to gets what he wants. For example according to the Modern History Textbook in 1934, the SS arrested and murdered hundreds of Hitler’s enemies. This brutal action and the terror applied by the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police, shocked most Germans into total obedience. Similar to Macbeth, Hitler did not want soak his hands in blood, he uses his power in the government and manipulation skill to get the police force to do the dirty work for him. He saw violence as the way to keep the oppressors to stay quiet and less of a

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