Similarities Between Ivan Ilyich And Candide

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Leo Tolstoy and Voltaire both wrote beautiful pieces of literature during two different time eras, but they wrote about similar themes in some of their works. In “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” by Tolstoy and “Candide” by Voltaire the theme of society and class play major roles in understanding both works. Tolstoy attacks the Russian middle class by creating numerous characters that belong to this class. These characters illustrate the pettiness, greed, and selfishness that the middle class came to embody. Voltaire portrays the corruption and meaninglessness of power and status. Both of these authors attack the social classes, but they differ on their reasons. The middle class is the class that Tolstoy chooses to focus on because they behave as aristocrats. Ivan Ilyich’s wife owns a small bit of land, which is rare during this time in Russia, but his friends say, “but something quite trifling.” Referring to the pettiness and unimportance of Ilyich’s middle class lifestyle. Voltaire similarly looks at how power and status that is obtained from lineage becomes meaningless and creates misery. Military recruiters flatter Candide by building …show more content…

Ilyich works as a legal official and tries to move up the corporate ladder. Candide happens to inherit his wealth by chance in El Dorado. The characters in Tolstoy’s work do not care about authentic human relationships, but simply are consumed with their status. Tolstoy writes, “So on receiving the news of Ivan Ilych's death the first thought of each of the gentlemen…was of the changes and promotions it might occasion among themselves…” Ilyich believes that materialism and social climbing will award him with happiness. Whereas, Candide does develop meaningful relationships with others, but is consumed with protecting his wealth. Candide says, “Oh yes…I deeply love Miss

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