Similarities Between Democracy And Colonial Government

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The colonial government was a very unique government and it really helped shape the government that we have today. Whether it was the bicameral legislature that they had or even libels. We still have things like that today. So as you can see there are many similarities between that government and the Democracy that we have today. But, there are also many differences like how they had a royal council that protested the taxation policy. That was called the Dominion of New England, we don’t have anything like that today.

One of the first ways that the colonial government was similar to ours today was that they both had a bicameral legislature. It is like our congress that includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. However, theirs …show more content…

That is what we have today, it is one of the three government branches that we have. Back in the colonial times it was called the Parliament. This branch/Parliament was what makes or passes the laws off to the president/governor. They both also had to houses/group within it. Today those two houses/groups that are within the Legislative Branch is called the congress. There wasn’t really a name for it back then, but it was the same concept/thing. The parliament was very powerful back then because it was the main branch in the colonial government, but it would receive more power because of the Glorious Revolution. This happened because England was unhappy with James The Second, he was the king of England at this time. So the Parliament responded to overthrow him. This caused many things to happen, some of them include: more voter rights, created the English Bill of Rights, and gave the people the right to elect representatives. Which we can elect reps today also. The English Bill of Rights was what caused the Parliament to gain more …show more content…

The first way was that each colony had a government, just like every state does today. Also, with every colony there was a governor and every state has their own governor. They also had/have advisors to help them make decisions and decide what to do. Another thing that happened was that the governor was elected by the people inside of the colony, and they could also be impeached (removed from office) by the people. Today the president can be impeached after a certain number of years in office. There were also protests that went on for the colonial government. But it didn’t happen as much there because the governor controlled the peoples pay. There is a lot of protest that goes on today, however. Protests happen to all levels of our government. Whether it’s from our federal, state, or even county governments, they all get protested. People in office can/could be reelected by the voters if they were/are liked well

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