Similarities Between 1984 And The Handmaid's Tale

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It is hard for anyone to describe something in just a few words, let alone the vast genres of books and films we read and see everyday. Science fiction, as a whole, can be difficult to define, but books and films within this genre share many characteristics as well as bringing in their own originalities. 1984, by George Orwell, helped pave the way for science fiction, and more specifically dystopian societies, even far after its’ time. Margaret Atwood’s, The Handmaid’s Tale, redone as a television show in 2017, resembles many of the same characteristics as 1984 while still keeping its’ individuality within the science fiction genre as a whole. The Handmaid’s Tale begins with the rise of the Republic of Gilead, a group who overthrew the government …show more content…

Throughout 1984 and The Handmaid’s Tale we get to see what runs through their heads and how they think. We get to feel what they are feeling and hope that they get what they dream of. Thinking like this is dangerous because if they are caught they could be severely punished. Winston does not care that he thinks this way, even though he does not want to get caught, he knows that if he dies hating the party it will be worth it. “He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear. But so long as he uttered it, in some obscure way the continuity was not broken. It was not by making yourself heard but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage” (27-28). Offred does not wish to be caught and fears her punishments because she wants to live to be able to see her daughter again. This, however, does not stop her from sneaking into her commander’s private office to see him and going on a getaway pretending to be his wife. By getting closer with the commander she believes she can find out information to bring Gilead down, along with the others who want life to be as it was before. It is a very dangerous choice on her part, but it is a very smart move since the commander is showing great interest in her. Both of these characters, as well as everyone around them, just want to be able to live their lives in peace as well as being able to think and speak freely again. Everyone, no matter who they are, wants

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