Signs Of An Abusive Relationship In Dreamland By Sarah Dessen

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I read the book Dreamland by Sarah Dessen it has two hundred and five pages. This book took me about two weeks to read. I learned from this book to see the signs of an abusive relationship. In the book Caitlin's sister Cassy ran away to be with a boy she seemed to be in love with. She doesn't come back until the end of the book. Since Cass ran away, Caitlyn later joins the cheer squad. She was doing so good in school until she meets Rogerson. Rogerson seemed nice for the first date. After they decided to go out he made her smoke pot. When he took her to meet his parents he got beat by his father so Caitlyn felt bad and stayed. Since Caitlyn was in such a abusive relationship with him telling her “he knows everything” she never went to school because she felt really depressed and anxious. …show more content…

I chose to read this book because i have read other books from the author and it had a pretty cover. The main theme of dreamland is Forgiveness. In the book, Rogerson was abusive and terrible to Caitlin but she didn’t hate him and she still felt bad because he was a mess and he did that. She forgave him for all the things he said and did to her. She forgave him right after he did stuff because she was always a forgiving person. She had a really hard couple of years but she was still the most humble and kind person after being forced to smoke pot at do bad things with him and have to be okay so he wouldn't get mad. He ruined her life and she was so kind to just forgive people. I think this is a good theme because i feel like if everyone had the power to forgive then maybe the world would be a little kinder and a better place to be. I think everyone should be able to forgive people. It makes you feel a lot better about yourself. If i was in this situation i would honestly leave the relationship. I would tell at least my

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