Sigmund Freud And Bandura's Theories Of Personality

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There have been many theorists when in comes to Psychology but the main three are Sigmund Freud, who discovered psychoanalysis, Carl Rogers, who founded the Humanistic approach, and Albert Bandura who discovered the social cognitive theory. All three of these individuals are important and their opinions are highly valued. Each of them gives different ideas and attempt to give an explanation about the way personality develops. We begin with our first founder, Sigmund Freud, of psychoanalysis and who is one of the most outstanding psychologists and whose contribution can hardly ever be underestimated. In this regard, Freud 's theory of personality is significant because his theory is changing views of psychologists as well as everyday people …show more content…

Rogers believed in his theory and stated that the organism has one basic goal self-actualization. He expressed his optimistic approach when he explained that all of us have the tendency to grow until we reach self-actualization. Also, he mentions that we exist because we need to gratify this need that we all have buried deep down inside of us. In relation to personality, he says individuals are open-minded and trusting to their own feelings and their environment around them. Rogers’ theory does emphasize when a person will finally reach self-actualization and that is from the experiences of his or her childhood. He says every child needs to obtain acceptance and unconditional love from others and a child will only be taken good care of and loved if he or she suits the expectancies of the others. Therefore, because of these, Rogers theorized that these conditions give an increasing level of influence to the person’s behavior. When his or her behavior and actions are continually reinforced by such conditions, the individual develops the personality type that corresponds to the generality of their …show more content…

Bandura based his conducted theory on modeling behavior and observational learning. His theory also emphasizes conscious cognitive processes and learning and including the importance of beliefs about the self, self-regulation and goal setting. Bandura 's theory of personality is a child 's personality is highly dependent on their social environment as well as their level of self-regulation and self-efficacy. This theory applies too all of the factors in the social cognitive theory as well as the concept of reciprocal determination. Reciprocal determination refers to the collective and continuous interactions that occur between the human behavior, human mind, and environmental factors. Just like when Bandura performed an experiment on a group of toddlers with the Bobo doll and after the conclusions he analyzed humans do learn through observing behaviors, others actions and even the outcome of what behavior they act upon. Essentially what he believes is that humans behavior is effected by and affects the world and environment around

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