Should We Celebrate Columbus Day Essay

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I believe we should still celebrate Columbus day however, we should do it in a more admirable way. Columbus explored South and Central America without realizing he did so, which may have been giant step in history for the old world. Though it is also important to note the negative implications that also come with what he did. If, we make what he did seem heroic then we are making fun of the group that died as a result. The Taino were innocent people and did not deserve what happened to them as a result of being discovered and just existing. Therefore celebrating specifically only the man who killed roughly more than half of them is not right, we should also be celebrating Taino’s, the advances they made on life as we know it, and the similarities …show more content…

This is because it’s another reason for present day Americans to hold up their flags and be proud about what they did. Despite the mass genocide of Taino’s, it is still taught at a young age, that Columbus was nice and friendly. Most wish to be on the right side of history no matter what actually happened. So, no matter what I wish or you want, nothing could happen. This is why, it’s easier to not get rid of the holiday altogether, but make slight tweaks to the way we see it as Americans. In October 2013 according to the Rasmussen Report, 58% Americans thought we should still honor Christopher Columbus, which means more than half the adult population only about four years ago believed that it should still exist. That makes getting rid of it all together is illogical. If as people, we all found out a little more about the people who really go effected by Columbus day then it might just change the minds of many. People could treat the minorities that are still dying out today better in an attempt to not repeat history. If we just get rid of it then we are letting people forget about both the bad person Columbus was or the person he is seen as, which could be a positive. However we still are forgetting about the Taino people and what they did for

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