Should The Government Have Liberties Or Safety Essay

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Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Even so, people will do anything for the safety of themselves and others and still deserve both liberty and safety in return. After terrorist attacks and shootings, people would give up anything, even liberties, to know that they would be protected. Carroll Doherty wrote, ¨Most recently, in 2010, 47% [of U.S citizens] said they were more concerned that government policies ´have not gone far enough to adequately protect the country,´ while 32% said they were more concerned that ´they have gone too far in restricting the average person’s civil liberties,´¨ (Pew Research Center). Some people are …show more content…

They are only willing to give up liberties because they are scared which is a totally reasonable decision. They just want to ensure the safety of themselves and the people they love. Although some would say that they agree with Franklin's quote, and that those who would give up an essential liberty does not deserve liberties or safety. People that are willing to give up civil liberties are giving more power to the government. To make themselves feel more secure, they are willing to allow the government to do whatever they want. Harry J Enten stated, ¨The Patriot Act, for instance, has been regarded by some as a necessary step for safety and by others as an infringement on civil liberties,¨ (The Guardian). It forced people to give up their freedom of privacy, and was frowned upon by many American citizens. Those who are willing to give up an essential liberty such as freedom of privacy do not deserve to have that liberty in the first place. A common view is that if people are willing to give up liberties for temporary safety. they do not deserve safety or liberties at all. This position seems reasonable because our liberties are something we treasure in this

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