Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Watch R-Rated Movies?

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R Rated Movies: They Should be Watched and Not Botched The buttery and salty smell of popcorn enters John’s, Jack’s, and Jerry’s nostrils as they enter the movie theatre. The sound of soda being dispensed enters their ears. The kids appetite increases by twice as much and they decide on buying 2 large boxes of caramel and 3 large sodas. However, they can’t decide on what movie to watch and finally decide on “The Hangover” as they the movie appeals to them as amusing. The movie is rated R for the profanity and sexual content in the movie but they decide to watch the movie anyways. A few hours pass by and the security guard realizes and kicks them out of the theatre. And here my question stands; Should teenagers be allowed to watch rated R …show more content…

Teenagers should be allowed to watch rated R movies as every individual matures at a different age. According to an article found on, individuals are allowed to watch whatever “ If they can’t handle it in the end then it’s no one’s fault but their own, by the time someone is 13 they should probably be well aware of their personal limits.” (Should teens above 13). With many individuals across the world watching rated R movies, it's their choice to determine what's right for them or not. If they can’t deal with what they got themselves into, then that is not our problem. “Age is a very unreliable estimate of maturity, some people can be mentally mature at 9 or some people can be 90 and still young at heart. So what makes people think that after you turn 17 you are automatically mature?” (Should teens above 13). Every individual grows up at a different age; some people need more time respective to others. Therefore, it's not the laws choice to determine only people above 17 can watch rated R movies. It's the individual's choice! Even though in some individuals minds watching rated R movies is bad, teens should be allowed to watch as they all have different “personal …show more content…

Parental consent should be a major factor in determining if a teen should be allowed to watch rated R movies. “We all know what's right for our children” (A.O. Scott). Parents have lived with their children for most of the children's life and they understand how they act(their behavior) and based off of their behavior, they can decide what movies the child can and can’t watch. It is not wrongdoing for the parent to be deciding on your behalf. We actually can’t guarantee what the child is saying to the is true as “Children, more than critics, are receptive to anything that doesn’t bore them” (A.O. Scott). The parent has to trust their child on what they are saying and give their honest opinion on the child's readiness. Watching rated R movies as a teenager is illegal if there is no parental guardian, however, if there is parental consent, then a individual(teen) should be allowed to watch a rated R

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