Should Technology Be Taught In Schools Essay

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The majority of students today do not remember a time without being able to click open a web browser and search for any answer to any question they may have. So long as computers, as well as the internet, have become a normal part of everyday life, technology has played an immense role in the education system and how students are taught. Therefore, this brings forward the question when, or at what age, should technology be introduced into the standard curriculum? Some may argue that later in students’ schooling is better. However, this could be hurting the students in the long run, for students are living in a world dependent on computers and technology. The earlier children become more computer literate could serve to help them throughout their education and further. …show more content…

It is no secret that children have been known to learn faster and more efficiently at younger ages, when their brain is developing the most. However, when an older person sees a 5-year-old child using a computer or an electronic tablet, most of the time the older person passes judgment on the parents of the child or the school that the child attends for promoting the use of technology. Older generations do not realize how positive it is on the child to learn the simple functions of computers and other electronic devices at a young age because older generations did not grow up in a time requiring knowledge in technology. In some areas of the country, as early as elementary school aged children are expected to test on a computer, as well as complete assignments. Kindergarten aged children would gain so much from learning how to use technology in addition to the social and other basic skills children are learning at that

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