Should Teachers Carry Guns In Schools Essay

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Following the recent school shooting at Majority Stoneman Douglas High there has been a nationwide debate on whether or not teachers should carry lethal weapons. After doing my research I can conclude that teachers shouldn’t be able to carry guns in schools however there should be other safety precautions in place such as non-lethal weapons, SRO’s, and security measures. These ideas could be a cheaper alternative compared to arming teachers. If schools enhance safety and make it a priority within the premises it could be an affordable way to decrease the number of shootings on campus. There is no reason to go to the extent of giving teachers lethal weapons and it could cause more harm than good. Schools can’t decrease the chances of students being exposed to a gun by placing guns in the classroom.
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These would be preventative and the first line of defence. The metal detectors could stop weapons from ever getting into schools and would make it harder to smuggle one in because the perpetrator couldn't hide the weapon. The weapon would be found before the shooting could take place and the school officials would be notified. The gunman would then be unarmed and taken into custody by an SRO or police officer. Students, teachers, and visitors should be required to walk through before entering the school. Metal detectors are a one and done deal you purchase them one time and then that’s all you have to pay. If schools were to arm teachers they have to pay for training, weapons, and holsters/cases. This will end up to be a hefty bill laid upon the schools but not if the metal detectors were in place because they cost around $3,000 and don't require training. Teachers aren’t definite and they can move or transfer schools which calls for

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