Should Schools Implement Year-Round School?

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Every summer children lose valuable information. When school is back in session, students spend months trying to recall everything that was forgotten over those few weeks off. The arrangement of days in the academic year does play a role on how students perform in school, but not so much on the expenses. Therefore, schools should implement Year-Round education because it more affordable and is better for the children in the long run. While the traditional calendar is in most U.S. schools, there is no longer a relevant reason and should be replaced with year-round schooling. In the 19th and 20th centuries, a large majority of the population worked in agricultural jobs where children were an essential workforce (Haser and Nasser 9-10). Since children no longer have …show more content…

Each system has specific aspects that could help children progress in their academic careers. One of the possible schedules is an extended school year which includes extending the actual school year or lengthening the school day (Smyth). The extended year option would make the school year between 200 and 240 days instead of the traditional 170-180 days (Ballinger and Kneese 120). This method would most likely be one of the least implemented schedules due to the additional time and extra costs added. Another possibility is a multi track system which is used to create more classroom space for overcrowded schools by having different vacations (Ballinger and Kneese 120). This arrangement would allow a higher enrollment capacity due to the different tracks. Similarly, there is the single track option that is just a different arrangement of instructional days (Ballinger and Kneese 120). This calendar does not increase capacity since there is only one track that is being used. With multiple possibilities, the school district can pick the schedule that best fits their needs to better educate their

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