Should Schools Be Allowed To Suspend Students?

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Why are schools suspending kids when they learn nothing from it? Suspensions were not a common thing until the 1960’s and 70’s. This was because of a lot of fighting probably due to segregation. Ever since then school suspensions are a lot more common. Although suspending bad students keep them away from their peers schools should stop suspending students because students no longer have class time to learn, students who have been suspended are more likely to drop out, and students will not learn how to deal with certain situations in the future . This means that when schools suspend students they are preventing them from succeeding.

If schools remain to suspend students they are not in school learning what they need to know. When students get suspended they are not being taught anything and are not in class learning the material they need to pass the class. Some might say that the bad students need to be expelled to be away from their peers, but on the other hand every student should get an equal opportunity to learn. So if schools continue to keep on suspending students they are prohibiting them from learning. …show more content…

Surveys show that when a student is suspended that student is 3 times more likely to drop out. School administrators still prefer to suspend a troublesome student to get them out of the school. Some parents would rather the troubled student to be out of the class instead of being a distraction. While this is somewhat logicall students who get suspended are often struggling and need as much in class learning they can obtain. So if schools keep on suspending students they are essentially putting them on the track to

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