Should People Be Prosecuted For Piracy

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Theodore Roosevelt once said, “ No people is wholly civilized where a distinction is drawn between stealing.” This quote can relate to the problem that has been going on against the piracy that has been occurring for many years. It has been occurring more now since it has been becoming easier to get access to certain files online. Personally, I think that people should be prosecuted for piracy because it is illegal, morally not right, and it causes many problems for composers. Pirating is the same as stealing you are taking something that isn’t rightfully yours’ and it is because of this that prosecution should happen against these individuals. Pirating brings many problems to an individual the most important being it can bring serious penalties with the law. For instance, “is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000” (Source 3). This is the punishment for copyrighting any file such as a movie, play, song etc. The reason for these punishments to be occurring is so people can become aware of how important the problem of piracy is. Also, these punishments are inputted so it can give people a reason as to why not download a file without paying for it like you should. This type of fine can leave an individual bankrupt and having to pay this debt for the rest of their life. …show more content…

It has happened and will continue to happen because that is the law already. For instance, “ The case of a college student being charged $675,000 for downloading 30 songs and sharing them on the Internet” (Source 2). This is a case that occurred already, this student could have used that money to pay off his college life if he had follow the law and done the right thing since the beginning. However, because he committed piracy he got a fine that he must pay in order to be in good terms with the law. If people do not follow the law, there will be serious

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