Should Kids Be Kids Essay

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When becoming a parent you have so many questions and concerns on what is best for your children. Every choice you make affects them good or bad. Especially, in the way they play.whether in their own homes or different enviroments, Many people have strong opinons on the best way to let your child explore their ways of learning. Some experts feels that free time is the best way for a child to play and learn. Others disagree. Some experts thinks children participating in organized activites are the best ways for a child to be comfortable with themselves and other children. Me being a mother of two, I agree with both aspects of this issue and in my own words I will explain why.

Let kids be kids!. Our children are in structured learning all day,everday in school. Consistency is very important with raising children, I agree they need to have activites organized majority of the time. Once you routinely do something you feel a good way about yourself, you feel a sence of confidence and pride in doing it on your own. Both of those are very important in …show more content…

I don't think it really matter how it is done, what is more important is that it's happening and our bundles of joy's are learning, playing, and they are making friends while doing it. Their happiness and their smlies is the goal, and to make sure it is being done the healthy and necessary ways. We are the most important factors in our children's ways of learning and communicating with people, so I feel we should do what is best for them in their way. It all depends on the child,and how they prefer to play. Organized or Free form. It is very important to let your child make their own choices and decisions with certain things. " Children need the freesdom to choose activities based on their interests." This article helped me a better as a parent today in my childs everyday learning, and how to let my children be

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